A tale of two car-free islands: post script
1st September 2023

We found ourselves chatting to a bus driver on Spetses yesterday. He’d been driving for decades, and fairly unprompted opened up about changes on the island.

He bemoaned what has happened in the last 25 years, especially the mopeds everywhere spoiling the calm that used to characterise the island. He said that there used to be buses 26 times per day, compared to the current 5. “Everyone” used to use the buses, water buses and water taxis. There are still water taxis, but they are priced as a treat.

This changes the whole idea of how the island’s mobility used to be… buses frequent enough not to need a timetable and allowing hopping on & off, the joys of transport over the sea, and people accessing these on foot (I assume). This looks more like attractive and sustainable mobility than the current moped swarms.


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<p>We found ourselves chatting to a bus driver on ...

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<p>We found ourselves chatting to a bus driver on ...

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<p>We found ourselves chatting to a bus driver on ...

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