And we’re off!
12th August 2023

Brandishing our Interrail card like overgrown students, we boarded the 06.47 from our home village of Staveley in Cumbria this morning. When I return, the leaves will be turning and schools will be all back.
Ghent by nightfall.
This really is the way to travel. A 2 month Interrail pass for a family of 3 for under £1k. We’re reading the weekend newspaper, drinking coffee, sleeping, playing games, walking around… Far more pleasant than flying, roomier, less hassle, far cheaper…oh, and massively less carbon. And we have the gorgeousness of St Pancras and the Eurostar buzz to look forward to.

Can we swerve the carbon risks of depending on Park & Ride as we transform visitor travel?

<p>Brandishing our Interrail card like overgrown s...

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Subsidy? Investment? Visitor levies? But for what?

<p>Brandishing our Interrail card like overgrown s...

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Overtourism? There’s a lot of it about.

<p>Brandishing our Interrail card like overgrown s...

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