Woah! Two car-free UK mainstream press articles in one week?
19th July 2023

Do I sense that extolling not just the benefits (and let’s face it, sense of worthiness) but the joys and quality of experience of being a visitor-without-a-car is coming out of the shadows?

Some areas of the mainstream UK press are really getting their act together on this (such as the Guardian/Observer at weekends, especially Pheobe Taplin), whilst others are still resolutely banging on with their antediluvian views on decarbonisation (do I need to list these?).

So it was with some happiness that I tripped over the following two articles:

Sophie Pavelle in the Guradian I travelled around Britain on low-carbon transport. It was creaky – but magical …so yes, is it perfect? no (but where is?), but it was a great experience.

A few days later, Rachel Davies gushed over the relaxation and implicit civilised experiences of a week without a car in the Saanenburg area of western Switzerland in Switzerland’s A-list holiday resorts where you could village-hop by train and bus this summer – for free (paywall)….and OK, it starts at Geneva airport – so there is still work to do on full journey decarbonisation and equity – but that’s what my study is all about.

Can we swerve the carbon risks of depending on Park & Ride as we transform visitor travel?

<p>Do I sense that extolling not just the benefits...

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Subsidy? Investment? Visitor levies? But for what?

<p>Do I sense that extolling not just the benefits...

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Overtourism? There’s a lot of it about.

<p>Do I sense that extolling not just the benefits...

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